Friday, June 3, 2011

Taking It All In Stride

Balance is certainly one of the main themes in the universe we habitate.

It's all over the place from magnetic polarities, to the process of our body to maintain homeostasis. It's there for a reason. Learn from it.

I recently learned something about myself (shockingly, I know). I take way too much stock in the emotions of the moment. You know what I'm talking about.

It all started two months ago. I was in an awesome place. I was working out a lot, working on my business, having a fun social life and work was great. Thoughts literally ran through my head like "This is awesome. If life continues this way, I'll have the best life ever". I was on cloud 9.

But then stuff happened. My back started to hurt, limiting my exercise. My business wasn't going as planned. My social life and work were lacking. It felt like I was plugging holes up in the titanic because nothing I was trying to do helped. It started to feel bad. Not only did things kind of suck, but I felt I had "lost" this precious sweet zone that I was occupying.

It's funny because when your on top, it's easy to indulge in the moment. You can (and should) look around and feel great that life is working out. But, like a beautiful butterfly that lands in your hand, the moment you try to grasp it as a possession, you have made it an object. Of course with all possesable objects, loss is nearly unavoidable.

And when life is going good, losing it can be extremely traumatic.

So what I have found is nothing special and easily to applie: take it all in stride.

Taking everything in stride means that when things are going great you can appreciate it for what it is. And when things suck, you don't dwell that life is handing you lemons. You don't have to "make lemonade" but you can just remember that a lemon is just a lemon. Nothing more.

You know that life is cyclical and it will get better. If you are of age to read this then you know better. Even the most cynical among us know this. Things are good, then they suck. Then they are good again. Then something happens and it sucks again.

You can find this wisdom in the quote "This too shall pass".

It's not so bad when you look at from this perspective.

So ride it out and appreciate it for what it is. And like I said, just take it all in stride.

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