Monday, July 4, 2011

Why Do We Do What We Do?

Someone recently asked me: "Why do you get out of bed every day?"

What a powerful ass question! (I didn't really have a good answer)

I mean seriously, why the hell do we do what we do everyday?

Why do we go to low wage jobs to rent apartments to hold our flat screen TVs to stimulate our life away to the boobtube?  Or maybe you are more enlightened than that or whatever, but still, why do you do that?

I can't seem to think of a good answer.

One good answer is survival.  You are genetically pre-disposed to "surviving" and spreading your genes.  So everything else you do could very well be a rationalization of that underlying purpose.

Sounds pretty fucking depressing.

I guess it kind of goes into the whole "why are we here" debate that brings religion and science and the big bang theory to the table.  But let's avoid these for the moment.

What if we just exist for the beauty of existence sake?

Deep shit, right?

Life is like a butterfly in that one parable.  You know, the one where a beautiful butterfly lands on your hand. Either you can enjoy the moment for what it is, or you can try to keep the butterfly as a trophy, which leads to the butterfly flying away.

That really seems to be all it is.

We humans are silly in the sense that we apply meaning to everything, but it is through a human paradigm of things.  So the idea of "purpose" is deeply ingrained into our idea of why we exist.  We exist, so we must have a purpose.

It's a great idea but doesn't seem compatible with the universe we occupy.  Look at how the universe and our earth was created, it seems that destruction and ever-fleeting beauty is the ubiquitous theme.

Everything is fleeting.  Everything ends up dissolving.  Every human ends up dying.

So it would make sense that appreciation for existence is what makes us get out of bed every day.  Most people probably would reject this as a truth, but I have a crazy theory that some people are very unconscious to it and just have yet to realize.  Maybe they will realize on their deathbeds, maybe not.

Or maybe I'm wrong.  Who knows.


Dylan M. Austin said...

I often consider posting a comment of elaboration or a further thought, but by the time I get to the end of your posts, you've already hit a topic I'd have brought up. I find your reflections really inspiring to think even more on my own accord.

Andy said...

Thanks as always Dylan. There is no better compliment than that.